Self-Introduction Letter

Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Nurliza, and I am a student in your Critical Thinking & Communication class at SIT, where I am studying Mechanical Engineering. Before this, I graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a diploma in mechatronics and robotics engineering.

My interest in engineering began when I was a child. My father often bought me lego sets, which sparked my curiosity about how things work. I spent a lot of time building structures and solving puzzles, which helped me develop a passion for creating and solving problems. This early interest in designing and building things led me to study mechatronics and robotic engineering. I was excited by the idea of combining electronics, mechanics, and computer systems to create functional robots and other devices. It seemed like a perfect fit for my love of hands-on projects and technology.

However, during my time at Polytechnic, I discovered that I was more interested in the mechanical aspects of engineering. One project that helped me realise this was when I had to design and build a robotic arm. My role involved making the mechanical parts that allowed the arm to move a ball from one place to another. I enjoyed tweaking the design, adjusting the mechanisms, and ensuring everything worked together smoothly. Although I appreciated the interdisciplinary approach of mechatronics, I found that my true passion and strengths were in mechanical design. This experience led me to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering, which I believe offers more flexibility and fits better with my long-term goals.

What sets me apart is my early exposure to hands-on problem-solving and my persistence in tackling challenges. I have developed a strong attention to detail and an ability to think creatively, especially when it comes to refining designs and ensuring everything works smoothly.

While I am confident in my technical abilities and problem-solving skills, I recognise that communication is a challenge for me. I know that in engineering, it’s important not only to solve problems but also to convey ideas clearly to others. This is something I find challenging. I often struggle and feel nervous to articulate my thoughts clearly, especially when speaking in front of large groups, which results in me not conveying my points effectively. However, I’m trying to improve by participating actively in group discussions. With time and effort, I hope to develop the confidence and clarity needed to express my ideas effectively.

I’m keen to get started in your class and see how much I can stretch my brainpower. Looking forward to boosting my critical thinking and communication skills, and hopefully surviving the process with a smile!

Best regards,



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  3. Hello Liza! Your introductions really helped readers to relate and understand your passion for engineering, as well as your struggles for articulating your thoughts clearly. Here are some observations I had made while reading your introduction, for your first paragraph, you could include a brief mention of what you hope to gain from the class to add depth.

    For your second paragraph, there's clarity which is clear and engaging, providing a vivid account of your early interest in engineering. For depth, you could expand on how this early interest translates into specific skills or experiences that benefit your current studies.

    Third paragraph, you may further elaborate on how the skills from mechatronics are applicable to mechanical engineering depth-wise. This paragraph is clear and detailed with information that is accurate and well-supported by your experience. It is also highly relevant as it shows your development and decision-making process.

    For the rest of the paragraphs, there's a great points such as accuracy, clarity and relavance. Overall, your letter is well-written and effectively communicates your background, interests, and goals. I think what it needs is just a bit more specific examples and reflections which could enhance the depth.

  4. Hello Nurliza, thank you for sharing about yourself. It was interesting reading your evolving interest from the passion in building and creating to mechatronics and finally to mechanical engineering. You have done well in introducing illustration to elaborate your decision making.

    Your illustrations also help me to see logically how you have managed to develop skills and perspective unique to yourself.

    I could also relate with your trouble in communicating your ideas clearly and your nervousness when communicating with a large group. You have excellently related your weakness in communication with me but I wish I could learn more about your strength. Through your letter, I could sense a good story flow and your attentiveness to the details of the story. Could this perhaps be your strength in communication?

    Overall, you have expertly told a wonderful story about yourself and your interest in engineering supporting it with illustrations to elaborate how it came to be. Your letter was relevant, logical and clear. While I enjoyed the detailed story, it could be kept concise. Let us work hard in overcoming weakness in communication together!


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